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Gingrich stands by Palestinian people remark
Associated Press
פורסם: 11.12.11, 09:23
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לכתבה זו התפרסמו 95 תגובות ב-95 דיונים
31. Were victims from Deir Yassin
Jarda ,   Czech Republic   (11.12.11)
invented as well?
32. If Newt was our P.M., then we could give
jason white ,   afula, israel   (11.12.11)
the bum's rush to bibi and ehud buraq. Or even Mike Huckabee as Israeli P.M. They care more about Israel and the Jews than a lot of our "leaders".
33. Gingrich stood tall in the debate
Steve   (11.12.11)
I am sorry his spokesman, Hammond, issued a remark that looked like a capitulation on Gingrich's part. Clearly Republicans should break with immoral George W. Bush policy aimed at the establishment of a Muslim-enemy state in Israel. The other candidates last night, looked like moral midgets because none would publicly acknowledge Gingrich was right. Especially Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum looked very weak and timid.
34. Palestinians are 'invented' people
Mat ,   uk   (11.12.11)
Have the palistinians got history books about themselves
35. Hurtful comments!
Yakov ,   Tel Aviv   (11.12.11)
How do these comments help peace? How does denying that Palestinians exist, further the Israeli cause? How does insulting, minimizing and demeaning any people, help anyone? Face reality; we at some point must learn to live with our neighbors. You don't have to like them, but you do have to live with them. As the result, of more than 1 genocidal plan, us Jews know better. So, whether you believe Palestinians are an "invented" group of people is a non-issue! They exist now, they identify as Palestinians and insulting them, only does us harm. Lauding the likes of Newt Gingrich, in his racist rants, demeans us, as Israeli's and as Jews and humans!
36. How Much Gingrich get paid to say that?
Ibrahim ,   Jerusalem   (11.12.11)
Well it is clearly he is trying to get the Jewish lobby support financial and politically. If he was not getting a return for that statement he wouldn't have said it from the beginning. His statement is a clear burden and showing a black future for the peace process and two state solution in the middle east. If Palestinians are invented people, what would we say about the USA? And the Indians right? Or is it the Indians also invented people? I hope he will not win and I hope Ron Paul will be the next president, at least he is after the American interest and people. And not like Gingrich who is after the Jewish money to support his campaign and the Jewish lobby to influence in supporting his campaign. Gingrich it is your time to leave from the presidential election and come to Israel to run for the Knesset.
37. more difficult for Israel and Palestinians to negotiate..
rebecca ,   Modiin   (11.12.11)
As the Palestinians have stopped all negotiations, now as before, how could Gingrich's comments make it more difficult? Sometimes when you've reached a dead end, it's time to start from the beginning and try a different route. A truthful route this time might have a better ending.
38. #17: How do you know what we want?
David ,   Karmiel, Israel   (11.12.11)
You live in the USA. Don't tell us what to do and how to live our lives! You want to influence Israeli politics then get over here, become a citizen and vote. Otherwise, butt out!
39. 36 Hard to Say, Ibrahim
Mark ben Josef ,   USA   (11.12.11)
Gingrich made a big deal, last week, about the fact that he makes $60,000.00 per hour for speeches. Imagine what he could make after being President.
40. One thing for sure, Arabs can't stand the truth.
Ken Quinn ,   Jerusalem   (11.12.11)
They don't know it, don't speak it, but one day IT is going to run them over with violence.
41. Genrich
M.C.   (11.12.11)
Newt Genrich is absolutley right and it's a relief to finally hear someone come out with the truth We've been living with this lie for too long and it has cost us dearly Bibi's weakness was in buying into the 2 state solution and keeping Ehud Barak in his office. If Bibi is to retain his position in the next election,he needs a lot of support to counteract his weaknesses. Genrich would give him that support Hopefully the moment of reversal from the dangers of Oslo up to this day has finally arrived Remember that Arafat who created the lie was an Egytian not a so called Palestinian!!!! and his motive was always the destruction of Israel and nothing has changed with the phoney peace process Check the PLO charter if you don't believe it!! The very name PLO says it all!!! Support Genrich and what he's saying!!
42. Watch out next week:"Newt declares undying love for the red-
tom ,   tel aviv   (11.12.11)
43. It is clear, Lieberman And Newt is the solution
roy ,   miami   (11.12.11)
Vote for them.
44. Somebody with the guts to speak the truth FINALLY!!
Jonny ,   Stockholm   (11.12.11)
"Palestinians" are the same Arabs you find in Jordan. At the end of the day, Jordan is "Palestine"
45. Accurate and not undermining
Larry ,   Or Yehuda   (11.12.11)
Many people feel the same way. But some Israelis are prepared to give these made up people some land so that they can build themselves a place to live.
46. #13 Thousands of Years?
Larry ,   Or Yehuda   (11.12.11)
First of all the first Arab invasion of Israel was only 1500 years ago. But by invading us, that does not mean it is theirs. But there is little evidence that they remained with us. The vast majority of Arabs came to Israel a hundred years ago. Most Arab land was taken from Jews by massacring the Jews there, including in Hebron in 1929
47. Finally here we have man with guts
Samuel ,   Israel   (11.12.11)
Before the Six Day there was no Palestine? The War that took place was with Egypt,Jordan & Syria. Why then did not the Palestinians claim their land from the Jordanians? They would be masacared by the Jordanians.Remember always that ther was no palestinian territory.How very right Mr. Gingrich is to state that the "the Palestinian are an invented people"-Cheers to the New US President.
48. #10 from Australia - pots and kettles.
rebecca ,   Modiin   (11.12.11)
49. #35 how did accepting the lie help peace?
rebecca ,   Modiin   (11.12.11)
For 40 years we have tip toed around the Palestinians, allowing them to lie about being a nation, all in the hope of peace. It has not worked. maybe now is the time to take a new approach. Tell them we know and understand their game, but we're still willing to give them a chance. But understand we are giving them an opportunity they do not deserve.
50. Gingrich shows leadership
Brod ,   USA   (11.12.11)
Gingrich is absolutely right on this issue. He shows courage and leadership. He knows the subject so well that he knows the truth about the Middle East conflict. Standing firm on the truth may expose the lies that have been piled up by PA/Hamas Islamist-Jihadists to the world. This is because the dark forces thrive on Taqiyya-deceptions as part of their modus operandi. Their goal is the destruction of Israel as clearly stipulated in their Charter, School Textbooks and Maps. They want to usurp the Land of Israel from the Nation of Israel. There is NO you can make peace with evil forces that are hellbent on your destruction. By standing firm on the truth of his statement, Gingrich may well have already won the race because Judeo-Christian America knows the truth about the Middle East problem and wants a strong leader that will not grovel to the aggressions and threats of the Islamist-Jihadist world that is hellbent on the conquest of the whole world.
51. #10
BigLen ,   Delray Beach,USA   (11.12.11)
Learn your history...after partition bu the U.N. it was the arabs who invaded Israel,not the other way around,moron
52. Oh, Salma .....?
Yitzhak ,   TA   (11.12.11)
Here are those questions you keep dodging, Salma? You know, the ones about the 'indigenous Palestinians' ... 1) Who was the leader of the Palestinians before Arafat?
2) What was the currency of Palestine before the Jews 'stole' it?
3) Jerusalem was the capital of which Palestinian empire?
4) Which Palestinian kings are buried in Jerusalem?
5) What are some of the technological advances that the world owes the Palestinians?
6) What are some of the cultural gifts of Palestine?
53. Gingrich for president
Big Tex ,   Texas, USA   (11.12.11)
54. Invented palestinian
David p ,   Canada   (11.12.11)
Well you are so wrong that I am sure you are fed by heatred toword the Israelis and Jewish people.just go to middle east history search and find the truth about who are the palastinien people and check who israel belong to ??
55. He is correct, and here is the history.
Prof. Reuven Ben-Tal ,   Jerusalem   (11.12.11)
He is historically correct. The word "Palestinian" referring to the Muslim Arabs currently living in Israel (and prior to 1948) is absolutely correct. The word ("Palestinian") was used for the first time, by these people, to refer to themselves in 1964 when the "PLO Charter" was written. Before this time, these people referred to themselves simply as Arabs (or Egyptians, Syrians, Iraqis and Jordanian Bedouins -- depending upon where they came from primarily during the British Mandate over Israel and as can be seen by their surnames and the type and accent of Arabic they speak until this very day). The name "Palestinian" was politically invented in 1964 to try to politically unite these different people who have illegally settled in Israel in waves of immigration, the biggest of which was between 1917 and 1947, since the first Arab invaded Israel on the 15th of August 636. At that time 17,000 Muslim soldiers from Arabia won the "Battle of the Yarmuk" under the command of General Abu Ubaida. And in April 637 they attacked Jerusalem and completed their colonialization of Jerusalem and the rest of Israel in 638 (AFTER the capture Baghdad and Damascus). The first Muslim Arab Caliphate then began (early 638) under Saudi Arab by the name of Caliph Umar Ibn Al Khattab. Learn history rather than make it up to suit political goals!
56. Gingrich
daz ,   uk   (11.12.11)
He should know everything about invented people as he is one himself. America is an invented country. This man has gone to the extreme and in doing so has ruined his chances for the whitehouse.
57. Every country is an invented country
Devorah   (11.12.11)
if you want to look at it that way. The difference is that "palestine" is not, nor ever has been, a sovereign nation.
58. he is not afraid to talk its the truth
alsan ash ,   nyc ny   (11.12.11)
he is 1000? correct since 1917 the arabs have scapegoated the world for their problems and scammed the world for money,
59. Gingrich puts political correctness aside
Sam ,   Canada   (11.12.11)
The West and liberal Jews made up this fantasy about Palestinians seeking a 2 state solution that included a Jewish state. They have been pushing it since against all evidence to the contrary in order to appease Palestinian terrorism and to keep their concocted dream that the Palestinians wanted peace. Gingrich tells the truth and Palestinians are afraid that their propaganda is shattered.
60. Peace Built on a Lie
Dallas ,   Canada   (11.12.11)
Like a house built on a foundation of sand, it will fall. To attempt to build some kind of two-state solution is to attempt to base 'peace' on a lie. Until the Arabs accept Israel as she is, there never will be a solution, and Gingrich is, while using a two-state solution as a viable goal and being thus flawed, at least calling leaders on their refusal to get to the root of the problem. And that's a good thing, regardless of the results of the US elections.
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