שתף קטע נבחר

חליפת מכתבי פרידה באנגלית

הכרתי מישהו ומה אגיד לכם, רגשות כאלה עזים הרבה זמן לא חוויתי, הכל היה וורוד, יחסית, בהתחשב בזה שהיה לו מגבלות "ציבוריות", לטענתו: הוא דתי חוזר בשאלה, לא רוצה שאף אחד יראה אותו חלילה. לאחר שבועיים הוא אמר שהוא רוצה לגלות לי סוד קטן: הוא נשוי, והוא לא התכוון שיתפתח משהו רציני, והוא נסחף והתאהב, וגם אני, נתנו לעצמנו את שישבת לחשוב ואתמול בלילה היתה שיחתנו האחרונה, לפניכם מכתב פרידה שכתבתי ומה שהוא כתב לי בחזרה.

אני אליו הוא אליי 

אני אליו
lior dear how was your Saturday?

I hed the most confusion Saturday in my life I think. I want to say

some things thet I canot denial : I am not able stop thinking of you;

I miss you ; to your voice; your touch; your mouth; your breath; your

love words; you ask lest week if after our meet I was I wat; so I

must to confess thet if i only thinking of you Ill be wat; I actually

fantasy of you. I start to read the book; but only a 80 page; thet

because I canot concentr In nothing alse but you; and because I don’t

have time;we have a guest at Friday night so I as usual in charge of

the dishes and after thet I go to my friend in the hospital; and be

ther all the Saturday till late; she is much beter.

I driver all the weekand it so much fan;

We going to have the must hard week; because the terrorist act this


And because we ; Now I have something to tall you ;

I think a lot this weekand ; but before you make a conclusion I need

to tall you some facts of my life: My parent are divorced;

My dad treached my mother 12 year ago; our family throw off because

another woman and because my dad; I love my dad verey much; today I

can Understand some things; but at the past I was verey angry of him;

today I love him more then everything; he and my mother have now;

only now the most wonderful relation; i promised to myself at the

past thet I never but never breaking any family; and I think thet if

we continu only writeing to each other it will distract and damage

you and your relation whit your wife and your family; I imagin you

and your wife whit the child(s?) and I just canot deal with it; it

make my feel bed and sad; but also make me want you more; to be

honest;I say it but I say it agein; I think you the must wonderful

charming and fascinating person i evar meet; one more thing: I did

not meet the boy I supposed to meet at Thursday I don’t feeled I can

in Thursday . any way; he will wait.

You right when you say dhet it will not be good if we meet again; and

now I Understand Thursday when you say at the mail it will be hard

for you; actually I Understand a lot of things now; what I don’t

Understand is how I can be so fool and blind;

Lior; I have apinch in my heart and tears in my eyes when I

think I will not ever talk whit you or write whit you;but I want you

to live the mail box opan just in case I really canot deal wait this;

I hope it not came but I don’t have any way to connect whit you; and

you have meny ways to connect whit my.

I will miss you; I will never stop thinking of you; you always be

in me and in my mind;in this opportunity I want you promise me you

try to forget me ( also I want you not )and try to concentrate in you

wife; love her;she is the mother of your child; and I have 2 more

request: read the book: ASET AIS =SEL= SELY YAHIMOVITS; and listen to

the song : ATSLI HCOL BESEDER= SEL= BOAZ SARABY and try to

Understand the words and do the connection to our relation.i am any

way when I listen this song have a shivering; and one mor thing every

time; but every time I will hear SHKIRA OR DARKENO I remember You my


I hope you trace all the paragraph and say your opinion to every

thing I write; I want to know what you sincerity think and feel what

you want to do and I hope you agree whit me . I know you don’t have a

lot of time to answer me: and I don’t want you decry your

work; so answer when you have time; also I want you answer me quick I

don’t have patience; I as usual in my obsessive way chek the mail

every 2 minets.

Love; revi.

חזור למעלה
הוא אליי
cannt say good morning, nor good week.

I dont think I can say "good", but this is because our destany as the

jewish people. However, I positive that good will come, sooner or


I've read your letter.

I want to read it 5 more times, I dont know when .. but I will.

I could've sent you your mail. In my first reading I feel that

everything you wrote me I wanted to say to you.

It is too dificult for me to answer you line by line

I must read you letter again and again and again

And think and think and think

Please read your "good morning" email again and imagine I wrote it

for you.


חזור למעלה
לפנייה לכתב/ת
 תגובה חדשה
פעולה זו תמחק את התגובה שהתחלת להקליד